What the Fiduciary Oath means to you – the Client
- I shall always act in good faith and with candor.
- I shall always put the Clients best interest first.
- I shall be proactive in my disclosure of any conflicts of interest that may impact you.
- We will provide to each client full and fair disclosure of all important facts, including full transparency of how we are paid by the client.
- I shall not accept any referral fees or compensation that is contingent upon the purchase or sale of a financial product.
FI • DU • CI • AR • Y \DEFINITION\: A person legally appointed and authorized to hold assets in trust for another person. The fiduciary manages the assets for the benefit of the other person, rather than for his or her own profit. (source: Investopedia.com) \USAGE\: A registered investment advisor, who is held to a “fiduciary standard of care”, looks after the assets of another person on that person’s behalf, is fully transparent, and required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.